
VSA Iowa is a 35-year-old nonprofit that provides creative and performing arts programming statewide for children who are at-risk, have physical disabilities, a mental health diagnosis and/or behavioral disorder. We serve 3,500 Iowa children and young adults annually.

Our national affiliate, VSA, was founded through the John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts. VSA Iowa’s mission is to create a society where people with disabilities learn through, participate in, and enjoy the arts. Many of our teaching artists live and create with a disability themselves — each having their own unique story.

Our Iowa State Fair History

VSA Iowa’s first year at the Iowa State Fair was 1979. We began on the front porch of the little white house in Heritage Village, entertaining a modest crowd of 20. Since then, we’ve moved off the porch to several different stages, entertaining more than 250,000 fairgoers with daily performances and demonstrations. You also can find original works of art from our artists at the Cultural Center and Art Under the Tent locations.

 VSA Iowa’s presence at the Iowa State Fair is the biggest festival put on among our 60 affiliates worldwide.


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